Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A few pictures.

Walking around with a camera feels intrusive but I've managed to steal a few shots.

This was taken from the roof of the comedor. It's directed towards the central park of the town where most of the businesses are located.

Meet Kathy, one of Señora Maria's grandchildren. She started the day with a shirt but lost it somewhere along the way. She's a delight; friendly and rambunctious.

Vendors on the beach hustle their products all day. They walk up and down the shoreline selling caramelized peanuts, frozen fruit popsicles, small baked goods, and popcorn.

Carlita is on the left and Luis is on the right. Carlita and her brother, Carlos, are two of my favorite kids. They are full of intelligence and charisma. Luis has earned the nickname, "monito," which means, I think, "little monkey." He loves to hang on my arms, shoulders, anything. I recently had to pin both of his arms to his chest because he wouldn't stop trying to tickle me. The pale man in the middle should have some color in his face soon.


  1. Absolutely AWESOME! Look at those amazing monitos!! Hooray for little monkeys! :) So glad you are having fun Trev.

  2. hey man.
    thanks for posting some pics. always fun to see what your life looks like.

    i may change my future plans from selling tshirts as a roadie for a band to selling trinkets on the beaches of peru.

    hope all is well.

    any stomach issues this time around?
