Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Señora Maria

She's been here, volunteering, for 27 years. She cooks in huge metal pots over a gas stove. Due to her height and the height of the pots, she has to extend her arms straight out in front of her in order to stir. She never stops moving, never stops quickly shuffling her feet over the concrete floor. She gets here by 5:30 in the morning and she rarely leaves before 6 at night.

She's been here, cooking two substantial meals a day, for hundreds of kids, for almost three decades. Do the math. How many millions of plates of food is that? How many millions of washed bowls, cups, and spoons? How many kids who would have been hungry?

Catholicism prevails in this area, along with honoring Saints. Canonization usually implies some kind of tremendous and instantaneous miracle. There is a different, subtle kind of miracle, the kind that happens over a quiet lifetime. In Maria, it is the consistent, fearless giving of an kind and compelling woman.

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