Saturday, February 20, 2010

Welcome Surprises

Here are just a few of them:

The dance classes taught by Raul. The boys fight to be in the front line as they shake their hips like Beyonce to, ¨Single Ladies.¨ A warm and extroverted boy named Carlos excels and the teacher tells the other students to watch him for the correct moves. He covers his face with his hands to conceal his embarrassment and enormous grin.

There´s a fan in my room. That is a marvelous comfort.

The guard at the comedor plays a mean Spanish guitar. His name is Lorenzo and we sat together for almost two hours the other night as he taught me a song. He seemed thrilled at the chance to play with someone. I hope the lessons continue.

I've been translating children's books to help me learn Spanish. "The Giving Tree," is just as beautiful and powerful in another language.

The Peruvian wedding reception I attended. It didn't start until 9 pm and the food wasn't finished until nearly midnight. Old women sat in fancy dresses next to young mothers swaying their babies. The bride and groom's godparents were presented with gifts, including whole roasted ducks and loafs of bread 2 feet in diameter. After everyone ate, they cleared the tables, handed out balloons and masks, and stared dancing.

Although not much of a surprise, the fruit here is wonderful and inexpensive.

Children grab my hand and laugh when I don't let go.


  1. shel silverstein would be proud of you.

  2. So Maria is about 2 feet shorter than you. Why doesn't that surprise me? Almost everone is about 2 foot shorter than you. Ha Ha.
    Uncle Frank
